How To Choose The Best VCE Subjects For Your Future Career

“Your choice in VCE will determine your future” – is a bit of a bias statement. The simple answer is, none of the subjects matters unless you intend to fully apply it practically or in studies after high school.

Although arguably, your choice of VCE subjects can be subjected to both positive and negative factors

● Ease of subject and scaling

● Interests and relevance

There is really only one condition in which your subject selection will determine your future (assuming you intend to attend university):

● Pre-requisites – a base requirement for many university entry including your ATAR results, most commonly: English, Chemistry and Maths Methods (For most science, technology or commerce degrees). Some less common requisites include Maths Specialists (Engineering), Physics, Art Portfolio (Design degree etc). If you fail to meet certain conditions like these in VCE (performing below its requirement), it becomes a massive barrier to entry in many courses and as expected… can thwart your future expectations and careers.

○ So if you insist on getting into industries through university, definitely make sure you read and reach the base requirements.

Let’s break it down how it might work:

???? Ease of subject and scaling

● The easier the subject, the easier it is to obtain a better study score → Better ATAR. Note that there are consequences in how easy a subject is, if your competition can as easily achieve results of a high degree. You can expect VCAA to induce a scale down on subjects like these to equalize the difference in competition with more challenging subjects.

● Higher scaling in more challenging subjects can sound tempting, but there should be a greater consideration of what’s possible when undertaking certain VCE subjects. The deviation in difficulties in certain subjects from Units 1 and 2 to Units 3 and 4 can often be described as quite substantial. Furthermore, you have to balance out 4 more of these types of subjects (each with varying brain requirements and learning habits).

● Definitely think wisely when considering your work life balance, think about it like a triangle (how you may try to balance social, sleep and work). You can never have all, you can only have 2 at a given time (so chooseeeee wisely!)

Recommendations would be to have:

● 2 subjective styled subjects (Arts or creative subject), to allow for breathing room

● 3 objective styled subjects (Memorizes subjects or active thinking), subjects you can focus on clearly and use active memorization/studying to achieve results </aside>

“To make it easier to comprehend the different subjects and its “effectiveness”, I’ve introduced a graph that sorta depicts what a reasonable person would expect from these subject selections.”

SubjectEase of studyScalingJustification
EnglishEasy-MedDecreaseEnglish is not necessarily a challenging subject, it’s subjective nature makes it easy for well knowledgeable individuals to perform well and it’s discussion nature makes for interesting memes/conversation. However, English does require a unique interpretation of the text in order for you standout (All students have to take English, so standing out is necessary). Unless you take literature or English Language, the most likely case is you’re going to get a subpar result due to it’s negative scaling.
MathematicsEasy-Med-HardIncreaseThere are really only two challenging Maths types, Maths Methods (MM) and Maths Specialists (MS). General Maths isn’t necessary difficult, but require extreme precision and accuracy to achieve a decent score (not made for the faint hearted). General maths is new this year, but it’s expected to be easier than your average Maths subjects. Unless you take on the MM and MS, don’t expect to have to substantial performance results unless you’re really committed to being the best. General Maths, we’ll have to see just how well people go when taking the subject.
ScienceEasy-Med-HardIncreaseScience has it’s ups and downs, notorious subjects like Chemistry and Physics are certainly more challenging in the field of science. (They require great depth in knowledge, application and calculations + a lot of tears). Whilst biology and psychology is more so of a memory game (a fun and interesting one too!) once you get it down… it’s not that bad.
HumanitiesEasy-MedDecreaseCan be challenging depending on the subject you take, there’s depth in content and active recalling it can be a challenge for some students. (Take it easy though, this should be a breather subject and allows for more passive learning)
ArtsEasyDecreaseIt’s very easy to pass, there’s no real test in the courses. It’s all assignments and tasks you just need to pass. However, in order to perform highly… this is ultimately decided by the final exam funny enough. So do try for your exams and ace it in order for you to achieve decent marks, or else you’re in for a world of hurt. (But take this subject as a fun one, no other subjects allows for more creative freedom and interpretations then this one)
LanguagesMed-HardIncreaseA fairly challenging subject, although some students are more persistent and already capable. Languages have high expectations considering most examiners are native to their language, so learning to meet their demands is only one of the test cases (reading, writing and listening are parts of the fun too!). So unless you’re feeling capable or extremely fascinated to learn, there’s a lot of work to be done and if you do well… you’ll reap the reward beyond that of your expectations.
TechnologyMed-HardDecreaseA fairly interesting topic to undertake, a more varied subject design in contrast to other types of classes. The actual application is very current and depending on the degree of teaching and prep for exams, the Exam can be made easier or harder depending how much you put in. Especially if you algorithmics… the scaling would be a nice reward for the extra challenge.
Business and economicsMed-HardIncreaseContesting between the field of challenging and ease of learning. Whilst the the content for business subjects is fairly laxed and easy to learn, the application is often the more challenging component. There’s a great demand for specificity in definition and relevance to current real world circumstance. It’s not hard to learn, but to do well requires more than just interest but a desire answer in a manner that suits the examiner’s expectations. The scaling is subpar so it does require a bit more effort.
Physical educationEasyDecreaseIt’s PE and a bit of science, best of both world. But mostly theoretical content that applies a bit of scientific knowledge. It’s fun, but don’t expect this to be a high riser in results unless you do really well. The negative scaling for this subject is actually crazy!
VET/VCAL based subjectsEasy-MedDecreaseActually fairly based subjected, students choice of subjects relates to many current job requirements and although they are made easier and have poor scaling. It’s variety of interesting topics makes it worth it, although sadly not as good on the ATAR.

<aside> ???? Interests and relevance

● When deciding between subjects, there’s often a certain degree of interests involved when undertaking it. However, we mustn’t compromise interest without considering relevance. (Relevance refers to how much of a skill is demanded in the world)

● One way to determine the relevance of a course can often be determined by looking at the HELP support loan government provides for university students (if it’s more expensive for people to take the course, it often suggests there’s a saturated market in that industry and there’s a demand for other types of industry workers E.g: Commerce based courses)

● However, relevance doesn’t mean it’s necessary something you should take </aside>

EnglishInterestingMehWhilst it can be interesting to take a deeper interpretation of the text, it’s not something you’ll really do again in future. Soft skills like better analytical skills are something you will gain from this, though this skillset will differ from job to job
MathematicsTough saleVeryVery tough sale if you’re not already enjoying Maths, however, if you manage to manage to commit or do well in it. A lot of big corporations financial or technological are in need of Maths lovers. High level technology requires advance mathematical science to undertake society to it’s next level. So if you can, you’re in for a good time
ScienceDependsVeryDepending on what field you’re interested in, the application of medical health is still growing and not very limited. The market for researchers are massive and by taking on a more scientific field, you’re showing you are compassionate to change the world.
HumanitiesEnjoyableTough saleYou’re gonna have a hard time finding a job, so just enjoy it!
ArtsEnjoyableDependsVery fun and very must applicable, depending on what field you go on (specifically the graphical design field). You are welcomed into many industry depending on what you can uniquely provide, although the market is saturated. If you do well, you can make a decent living on it. (But do consider videography and social media management as the next best selling point)
LanguagesEnlighteningVeryYou don’t want a job, you just want to travel to that country and act like a local.
TechnologyInterestingVeryVery, very relevant, and if you’re really interested. Consider yourself as job guaranteed in the very future. Because you will be the ones that can shape how society lives when every goes digital. (if not interested, you’re gonna be a tough sale to many high level companies)
Business and economicsInterestingVeryWhilst it is relevant, more and more companies are looking for ways to optimize business productions through technology. So whilst it is still needed, unless you can combine it with technology (You’re gonna be a tough seller too based on how saturated the market it)
Physical educationPotentiallyTough salePE teacher or sport coach
VET/VCAL based subjectsInterestingVeryAn diverse education branch that can lead to less advance fields that don’t actually require a proper degree! For those who already have a compassion they wish to follow through

Will it help with your future career? (is it fun? Easy? Relevant? Scaling worthy?)

● English Fun – If you like taking reading to the next level, and taking deep textual based discussion

○ Ease – If you can comprehend basic structure and deeper analysis, the results is possible

○ Relevant – If you want to be a teacher or a book writer, or just sound more complex

○ Scaling – Scales down, but won’t be affected by scaling if performed well

○ Will it help with your future career – To get into a uni course, this is a basic need. But anymore than that is a tough sale

● Mathematics Fun – It’s only fun if you like Math, but if you don’t (it’s a struggle and a half)

○ Ease – Depends on what you choose, if you choose a harder one (expect a greater challenge), if you choose an easier one (expect lesser results unless results are perfection)

○ Relevant – For higher level education and technology related fields, as well as many economical business courses. Maths is highly demanded, having good Maths sense can make you standout in fields which uses Maths to make things more efficient.

○ Scaling – Very much rewarding as expected, but if you do undertake the easier versions (the examiners expect nothing less than perfection)

○ Will it help with your future career – You have tons of options, maths is necessary. If you are the 10% who can enjoy maths, you’re in for a world richness.

● Science Fun – Interesting and relevant to many scales, but difficulties scales for subjects like Chemistry and Physics. Whilst biology and psychology is fairly consistent throughout… however, all subjects offer relevant insights into current scientific theory and interests.

○ Ease – Once again, depends on the subject you take (If you’re taking a more challenging one, expect greater efforts). But other than then notorious two, the easier one requires only memory based learning.

○ Relevant – Very, but in terms of industry wise. You really only need Chemistry to study in fields of science in university, physics for Engineering. Everything in science eventually leads to Chemistry and Physics, so these two are by far the most relevant and the remaining two only acts as a sampler.

○ Scaling – Chemistry has the most, but all science except for psychology has scaling (Apparently it’s just too easy)

○ Will it help with your future career – Yes, although the info provided here is a bit bias. If your field has some relevance in other fields, they may be an application to transfer certain skills into another similar working field.

● Humanities Fun – yes, history is interesting!

○ Ease – Debatable, if you’re up to date with content. It’s manageable

○ Relevant – Not an industry demanded job

○ Scaling – Not worthy, simple as that

○ Will it help with your future career – Good luck getting a job ????

● Arts Fun – Very interesting, especially if you carry a particular style over and put in into a commercial work sense

○ Ease – Very easy, almost relaxing sometimes if you balance out your other subject with art units. Using your art units as a relaxing work subject is an easy way to make high school fun and worth remembering when you walk out with your design work.

○ Relevant – Yes, industry are in demand of designers and creatives. If you choose the right field like graphics or videography, you’re definitely in high demand.

○ Scaling – Dying inside bad, everyone performs so it’s hard to perform well

○ Will it help with your future career – If you carry a particular style over and put in into a commercial work sense, you’re gonna get paid. If you are lack in a style or saling point, you’re not getting paid enough in the future and become a starving artist

● Languages Fun – Challenging fun, if you have the will. You’ll find the way to obtain it as a life long skill

○ Ease – Not so easy, considering the exams requirements. So unless you’re completely dedicated and interested, you’re gonna have to take a long time to prepare for this.

○ Relevant – Speaking more languages definitely provides more viability in certain fields that demands it, both socially and work wise. There is no real consequences, just really depends on the degree of fluency.

○ Scaling – Very very high, unbelievably high. But don’t do it just for the scaling if you know deep down it’s more challenging than other subjects.

○ Will it help with your future career – Viable for all jobs, more language increases accessibility in sectors that demands it. Great for travel jobs

● Technology Fun – Depends on how you look at it, the work is primarily digital (although the exam is not). This can be described as almost creative given how technology based subjects offers freedom of ideas in interpreting questions.

○ Ease – Can vary depending on how much work is spent on it. Given you are actively learning the materials, the results should come be apparent as the standards are fairly beginner friendly.

○ Relevant – Highly relevant, words cannot describe how many current industries argue this is by far the most important skill of the century.

○ Scaling – Depending on which one you choose, you won’t really expect a scale up on these types of subjects despite how important they are.

○ Will it help with your future career – You’re doing it because it’s high demand and high pay, or you’re just a coding wizz. There’s no in between.

● Business and economics Fun – A mix between practical, stale and interesting kind of subject. You get a surplus of mostly stale content and occasional interesting relevant info that’s worth noting for a life time.

○ Ease – Not hard to learn, but hard to perform well at especially due to the requirement nature of the examination.

○ Relevant – Very relevant, but more and more ai functions are being introduced to reduce this issue

○ Scaling – There’s scaling, just not that much to make it worth it

○ Will it help with your future career – You like money, then there’s plenty of opportunity in these fields. Although, firms can’t deny they are interested in people who have more than just a commercial experience but also coding experience too.

● Physical education Fun – Yes, you get a lot of an option in this subject. By far the most “physical”.

○ Ease – I’m sure anyone can take this and find it fun/easy

○ Relevant – Meh, you’re in it because it’s easy

○ Scaling – Disappointing [end quote]

○ Will it help with your future career – PE teacher

● VET/VCAL based subjects Fun – Yes, you’re appealing to both a health science and a physical field

○ Ease – Very, I don’t see many people dislike this subject

○ Relevant – Very very much the case, you’re essentially studying something that’s basically a derivative of an actual job

○ Scaling – Don’t expect much from this, mostly downhills

○ Will it help with your future career – If you’re looking into alternate fields, this is definitely the way to go.

In essence, study subjects that are relevant and required for uni entry and future careers. But if that’s none of your concern, study what you want. Sometimes all you really need is just a good ATAR from doing easy subjects, or you just want to try a subject out so you know if it’s really worth your time in uni. or for future work Same thing, the choice is up to you! (Just make sure you balance the 3 core components, is it easy, relevant and will it scale)

If you’ve enjoyed the blog and you’re interested in your more ways to accelerate your learning habits…. then we’ve got something for you!

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(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Now stop procrastinating and go study!



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